About Me
I am a counsellor and coach working with people as they process times of change in their lives, whether it be personal or professional. I work from a client-centred collaborative framework and believe you know what you need and want and can thrive when given space to explore that. Any issue is worthy of exploring no matter how big or small you may label it, you are worthy and important and deserve to be heard.
We all experience various forms of loss and accompanying grief throughout life. Society doesn’t give us the space we need to process the pain we feel and it can get in our way, holding us back sometimes in ways that are seemingly unrelated. As we navigate change grief often appears and I am here to help you unravel and process whatever comes up as you work toward the growth you desire.
A few other things about me: I love to travel and explore the world, whether that is in my back yard or overseas. I love conversation and connecting with people but I prefer to socialize in small groups. Nature is my healing place but I also love architecture and interior design. I have been a dog trainer, an actor, and a waitress and they’ve all contributed to who I am and my understanding of the world. I love animals and currently I live with the funniest, most adorable French bulldog. I gave my dad a donkey for a pet, her name is Jackie and you can see her below.
Why I became a therapist:
“Loss breaks our heart, grieving that loss and having it acknowledged is what heals it.”
I have always been attracted to, and comfortable around emotions and I see this as my therapeutic super power. I was formerly an actor and peoples’ stories have always been what I believe connect us as human beings. At a time when I was ready to change careers I realized the most meaningful and fulfilling times in my life were when I was helping others through some major difficulties. My own experience of going through counselling therapy and the significant relief it gave me solidified this path for me.
It is my goal to normalize your emotions with deep empathy and help you acknowledge and process your own grief and trauma. Being seen and heard without judgement is one of the most healing things in the world. I don’t believe in silver linings of our pain and you will never hear me telling anyone to look on the bright side. Our grief and loss are exactly that and need to be honoured. What I do believe is if we allow space for our emotions and give the pain the attention it needs, we can experience some relief from that pain and find where the light can seep in. We then can build a life full of meaning and happiness.